Mury and Meri

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Mury and Meri hug Mom and Dad

Where are Mommy and Daddy? An awful feeling swept over Mury and Meri.

Cautiously they crawled through the rubble. They were careful because the broken cement made it hard to walk around.

Bit by bit they made their way to the crack in the wall. All they time they called... "Mommy!... Daddy!..." There was no answer.

The next thing they knew they were in the street.

As Mury and Meri ran along the curb, they saw big building pieces on the street. Very carefully they crossed the street calling, "Mommy, Daddy."

Then they heard their names!

Mommy and Daddy were just able to crawl out from under the rocks.

[ Notes | Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ]

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